Monday, November 15, 2010

Crafting Area

Susan requested that every one take pictures of their craft areas with out cleaning up, and post them. My area is also where I sleep, so this is how it looks during the day while I work on my stuff. At night I clear the love seat off and sleep. The boot box has scarves I've already made, and am in the middle of making. The Walmart bag on the floor is skiens of yarn. There's magazines 'Baby Talk' magazine. All of my crocheting needles, my jacket on the back of the sofa, and the piece of re-sistance, my moms cat sleeping inside of my jacket. On the table next to my love seat is my dinner, my pop, kids medicine, brush, ear buds, polish remover, and nail polish. Hope you like my pictures Susan.


Living a Balanced life in texas said...

sweet i see my scarf <3

Anonymous said...

Yay! You did it! Thanks for sharing.... sharing made me clean mine up....but still haven;t finished my stuff.

Uriel said...

LMAO, I clean mine up every night before bed. So it doesn't look like this 24/7. Just while I'm crafting.